
Social Media Strategy

Engaging your audience wherever they are.

Getting attention on social media has become somewhat of a labyrinth. With so many platforms and rapidly-changing trends, it can be hard to know where to find your target audience and what content is going to make them click.

Like everything, it all starts with a story. I can build a social media strategy that’s tailored to your marketing objectives, whether that’s gaining visibility, generating leads, or building your brand’s voice in the social media sphere, all the while staying true to your brand’s distinctive narrative.

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Here’s what I can offer:

  • Strategy for posting across all social media platforms including LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

  • Coordination of omnichannel approach to ensure consistency across your brand’s digital presence

  • Guidelines and style books for your community manager to work with

  • Social media influencer relations strategy

Something else?

Results-focused and tailored to you.

Curating a voice that’s uniquely yours

Strategic storytelling to gain visibility

Turning your ideas into reality